Made in the USA / Natural Products / Personal Care

Find Relief for Split Chapped Lips with Derma e Lip Repair Creme

I’m no lip/skincare expert, but in the last year mine have been awful. Dry “crinkled” split and chewed up. You know what I mean. Nasty.

As many in my position I became addicted to chapstick. The more I applied, the more I needed it.

But layering “stuff” like wax and petroleum is never something I like to do. It never felt good, and it never seemed to help. So I decided to look around for something that might help stop the vicious cycle.

Trying derma E

Department store samples- (you know the kind in fancy packaging that only makes you wonder what exactly goes into them that makes them cost that much…)

We passed on those.

Question Mark Ingredient

Having used a natural sunscreen and face lotion by a company called “Derma E” in the past, their convenient “Lip Repair Creme” seemed like a natural choice. But not one to spend on skin care for myself, I eventually convinced myself with 5 additional features I considered rare:

(1) derma e’s Lip Repair Cream is a natural product, 

(2) It’s made in the USA, 

(3) It was on sale for $12 a generous tube, (compared to “Clinique,” Wow! What a saver!) 

(4) The healthfood store lady recommended the products, and 

(5) It was RETURNABLE.

The money back guarantee and the recommendation from someone who knows them was the deal-maker for me. I decided to give it a whirl.

Derma E Lip repair Creme Cream USA


This lip repair creme was pretty much unlike anything I’ve ever tried before. Rubbed on like lotion, and totally absorbed in minutes, derma e left nothing but my lips behind. Suddenly I was pleased to be able to smile without an artificial “barrier” on the surface. They were instantly softer, smoother, pliable, with no “greasy” stuff leftover. With elasticity comfortably restored, it appeared as though my lips were being changed from the inside out. A fantastic start.

Day 2, was even better. I didn’t have to apply it nearly as much as I would have chapstick. Only twice did I resort back in a hurried moment, immediately regretting it. I decided to stick to derma e.

After just a few days, I didn’t need anything anymore. My lips were normal. But I used derma e again anyway because… well, it just felt nice. And it looked great. And I wanted to keep that going.

What can I say, I’m a girl.

Mr. Quality, the big skeptic, wasn’t keen on trying this new “lip lotion” for himself. Until I persisted to express how “wonderful” it was. He tried it, and said to me later:

     “That lip stuff? That’s good stuff.”

Mr. Quality does NOT give his approval lightly, or without cause.

Proof positive! We had a Quality US Product on our hands.

The Derma Difference

Derma e is a contrast to the temporary masks that totally ignore or aggravate underlying problems. And, UN-like so many  “AGE-DEFY” lip gunk on the market, derma e lip creme is not merely another gimicky way to ingest mysterious “patented technologies” (read: CHEMICALS!!) that break the bank and don’t seem to make a difference long term.

While we both still love Blistex for things like sun exposure and genuine “chapped lips” on a windy day, my chronically dry crinkled lips were not being helped by medicated chapstick, even “vitamin” infused versions of them. I think they were actually being hindered by them.

Derma e did what it promised: it repaired, soothed, and fortified my lips using naturally occurring, body friendly and nutritionally sound ingredients so that I could finally end the chapstick dependence.

I’m just glad the first natural product I tried solved my year-long struggle. My lips look great, and they aren’t slathered in gunk!!

Result: A+ on another natural USA made product.


About DermaE

“For nearly 28+ years, derma e® Natural Bodycare has pioneered the development of high-performance antioxidant skincare solutions. The comprehensive line of natural products is paraben-free, cruelty-free, 100% vegan and includes over 90 anti-aging and treatment products. derma e® can be found in 5000+ retail outlets across the U.S., with additional distribution internationally. derma e® is family owned and operated and dedicated to serving the natural products retailer.”-Derma E Website,

More Great derma e Facts

derma e Does NOT…

  • Use pore-clogging ingredients such as petrolatum, mineral oil or lanolin.

  • Make unsupported claims about product effectiveness.

  • Withhold any information on ingredient lists.

  • Use token amounts of ingredients.

  • Use animal testing.

 derma e’s Commitment to the Environment: 

  • derma e uses non-GMO ingredients.

  • Use organic ingredients whenever possible.

  • Supports green business practices.

  • Has an in-office conservation and recycling program.

  • Uses 100% recyclable packaging.

  • Supports animal welfare and land conservation programs.

  • Donates a percentage of all sales to The Paraguay Project.

  • Purchases wind energy certificates to offset all electrical use.

Additionally derma e is:

  • pH balanced,

  • Gluten free, 

  • Paraben, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate free,

  • Vegetarian/Vegan,

  • The winner of many natural skincare product Awards!

  • NOT tested on animals!

Testimonails at the Trade Expo

derma e screen shot link

**Try FREE Samples, for the derma e solutions!**

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