Food / Made in the USA / Natural Products / Organic

Sixteen Sweet Reasons to NEVER Drink Soda Again!

sixteen sweet reasons to swap from soda to kevita sparkling probiotic coconot kefir juice health drink that is NOT Kombucha

When the days are long and hot, the lawn is 10 feet tall and the beach feels a million miles away. . . its tempting to douse the heat and spike your energy level with an icy pop.

You can almost feel the refreshing fizz taking your mind off the clingy sweat and noisy fan.

Whatever you do–DON’T DO IT.

No. Even organic carbonated fruit juices are spiked with 30-50 grams of health-crashing sugar.

Zero-cal “Zevia” pretends to overcome that ghastly foible of a nutrition fact among “natural” sodas, but its overly sweet taste isn’t derived just from stevia alone, but from sugar alcohol additives.


Thankfully there’s an alternative to the BMI ballooners and chemical cocktails most of the US calls “soda” and you won’t believe how good it is for you.

KeVita is 100% Carbonated, Flavorful, Semi-Sweet and Has Almost No Sugar!

Check this out:

KeVita sparkling probiotic mango coconut has 1 gram of sugar

Just one out of the 12 flavors contains more sugar: Ginger lemon. And its only a few grams.

You might think this would be a very sour drink, yes?


Its delightfully sweet.

It won’t blast your tastebuds away like a mountain dew with icecream and maraschino cherries on top.

Its more sophisticated than that.

Its natural, fruity goodness derived from real juice, alive with probiotics, and the water from the center of a coconut.

Beach of my imagination: here I come!

Dreaming of the beach palms in Naples Florida gulf coast travel vacation perfect weather

Have You Been Frightened Away by Similar Looking Bottles Labeled “Kombucha”?

I completely understand your hesitation.

But KeVita’s sparkling probiotics are nothing like the vinegar drink grown from “mushrooms” that’s been all the rage over the last few years known as Kombucha.

I would know. I used to make it!

Although they share the same shelfspace in stores, they are indeed, very different creatures.

In fact, KeVita is planning to create its own line of Kombucha this fall, which I greatly look forward to trying.

But for the average American, despite all of Kombucha’s strong trendiness, I believe KeVita’s very original and stunning recipe for sparkling probiotics will ultimately win the popularity contest in the long run for one reason:


It’s mild, thanks to a light juice blend made of fermented (non-alcoholic) coconut water, minerals, and stevia.

While it is less sweet than soda, and has a tiny “edge” to it (due in part to the addition of a small amount of apple cider vinegar), KeVita’s Sparkling Probiotics are certainly sweet and fizzy enough to qualify as an alternative to soda.

Or at least WE think so!

Kevita product family coconut probiotic soda water sparkling beverage

Sixteen Reasons To Swap Soda for KeVita

Back to the subject of this article.

Some of these reasons why you’d want to switch from soda to KeVita are actually pretty serious. So brace yourself. . . this post is about to take a somber turn.

1. For your heart! Believe it or not, sugar is actually linked to heart diseaseSweetened beverages are a major concern. Some experts are even beginning to say that the real culprit for the high rates of heart disease is actually sugar, not fat!

Since so much of our American food system is laden with inflammatory sugar, KeVita is one way to lower your sugar consumption while still enjoying a sweet-enough beverage.

2. Cut down your risk of Diabetes. Somewhat related to #1., metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes is on the rise in both adults and children. What makes that so terrifying is that Type 2 was once unheard of in children! (Hence the name “Adult Onset”). By ditching soda in the house, you can make a huge impact on their whole life, and your own.

It’s never too late–or too early–to start paying it forward.

4. Support gut health. Whereas soda contains a wide variety of gut-irritating ingredients, like artificial taste, artificial colors, preservatives, added acids, and artificial sweeteners. Kevita contains gut-fortifying ingredients like juice, coconut water, and of course probiotics.

Considering how many body functions are impacted by our gut-health, its really important that we take care of it by keeping fake food out, and real food in!

4. Protect your teeth.  Both diet and regular soda are known to break down teeth, for two main reasons: (1) sugar content, and (2) acids like phosphoric and citric acid. Even natural health advocates are starting to warn that drinking Kombucha vinegar may have some drawbacks in regards to tooth enamel.

By contrast, KeVita contains almost NO SUGAR, and added minerals (which are supposed to be great for teeth). Granted it is slightly acidic, and contains a small amount of apple cider vinegar for tartness, but as long as your diet and other health factors are in balance, KeVita should be fine.

Note: If you’re worried that your enamel is weak, I probably wouldn’t drink any acidic drinks or juices. I’d either drink through a straw or stick with water. 🙂

5. It tastes better. If you’ve ever fasted from soda (or gone long periods without it), you know how awfully artificial they taste when you pick one up again. Gross! KeVita has none of that over-powering sweetness or chemical aftertastes, yet all of the good naturally occurring flavors from juice and coconut water. Whatever KeVita did to obtain that result- they did RIGHT.

6. It may SAVE you money and stress! While KeVita may seem more expensive on the shelf, it is probably the least expensive in terms of long-term health consequences! Soda is a notorious junk food, whereas KeVita is a healthfood! Considering the financial and emotional cost of healthcare, 10 years from now you’ll be very glad you read this post and made the switch.

7-16. The list goes on…. KeVita has 10 MORE reasons to use probiotics listed on their own blog! You don’t want to miss them. Check them out here!

KeVita's colorful product line

Which flavor is the BEST?

While we haven’t been fortunate enough to find all the variety in our local stores, our favorites so far are:

 Mango coconut and Lemon Cayenne cleanse.

I CANNOT WAIT for an opportunity to try such tantalizing flavors as Pomegranate, Tangerine, Hibiscus Berry, Blueberry Cherry, and Living Greens! Especially since Mr. Quality is a Pomegranate fanatic.

Although we didn’t care as much for plain coconut. . . other KeVita fans love it, so they can enjoy them while I hog the Mango KeVitas on shelves within driving distance. 🙂

To each his own!

Shop Amazon for KeVita Now

Or Locate it Locally to get a WAY better deal!

KeVita is a perishable drink you can find in refrigerated sections nationwide.

Your best bet for finding KeVita are Whole Foods, Fresh Markets, mainline grocery stores with an Organic/Natural refrigerated food section, or small local herbal shops and food co-ops!

I think Amazon is too steep, but you can check out the links here anyway to read reviews or take advantage of the mega convenience factor.

Plan to pay $2-4 per bottle locally (Note: at 15.2 oz, it is a hefty glass bottle)! We pay on average $2.50 during sales, and $3 not on sale, and split one as a “treat” for dinners at least once a week. Even on a limited budget, it still fits in.

Wait… Can I make this?

KeVita was born and is made in California, in facilities designed for making “perfect” probiotic drinks. KeVita formed when a wine maker partnered with a health foodie and a beverage-industry expert to bring us a stunning probiotic drink designed with health in mind.

Real food foodies may be thinking: “But I can make my own raw probiotic beverages in the kitchen for free. . . why pay?”

That’s true. In fact that’s how KeVita got its start, in a kitchen. But today’s KeVita has some distinct advantages including years of development and prime manufacturing in facilities dedicated to the process.

And if you’re like me, making your own carbonated juice from live cultures isn’t always as flawless and easy as the foods bloggers make it look.

Just last month I tried making soda out of raw ginger. After five days of diligent feeding the effort ended when the juice produced 2 bubbles and promptly died.

No need to mourn, however, when KeVita is 20Xs better tasting than any ginger bug I could come up with on my own. And KeVita doesn’t demand any of my limited time and attention. And head scratching.

But let’s say for the sake of argument that you’re better with ferments than most of the population, and you produce a decent soda.

Why buy KeVita?

Why Even The Pros Like It: 3 MORE Reasons to Buy

A. Buy it for the starter culture

B. Buy it for the convenience when your busy, ill, working, or traveling.

C. Buy it to convert your soda-loving friends.

Taste-wise, KeVita is your best bet.

And for all 16+ OTHER reasons mentioned, they’ll owe you one.

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