Household / Made in the USA / Natural Products

Detox Your Home With…. BEESWAX Candles??

Rejuvenation Big Dipper Wax Works Aromatherapy Bee's Wax Candle 100% Natural American Made USA Home Decor Air PurifierWe’ve been going back to basics with a lot of things lately.

It only stands to reason that’s where this would go too.

Because I love (no… I LOVE) candles.

But as it turns out those candles don’t love me.

Let me explain.

Imagine turning on a diesel engine in your living room and letting it idle a while.

(Note, that’s an exaggeration. Candles don’t make THAT much stuff and of course an engine would be far more dangerous).

Still… GAG!

Chemicals like benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and soot are produced by burning petroleum distillates, aka paraffin, and other additives to candles. Not all of candles emit all that stuff but resent research reveals that certain low-quality candles and imports do.

I had no idea the candles I’ve been literally stockpiling for years (clearance name brands and knock-offs). . . were actually damaging our indoor air quality!

But now I know.

Honestly with all the dyes and scents and different wick materials and styles of candles out there…. do we really know how these things are all affecting us?


If you’re like me, you don’t think that’s a good idea.

According to researchers:

“…lighting many candles in an unventilated space could lead to problems, and may aggravate asthma, cause allergy-like symptoms, or irritate the respiratory tract.”

So that irresistible scent that smelled just like yo-mama’s-warm-cookies-on-a-moonlit-Christmas-sipping-cocoa-with-marshmallows-around-a-hickory-campfire-in-Alaska’s-snow-covered-Klondike. . .  (yeah, you remember the one)

Nothing more than a Trojan horse in my relaxation regimen.

All the while we’re breathing deep, that candle is emitting foul VOCs all over your house.



No thank you.

Back To Basics: Natural Beeswax Candles.

Okay I’ll admit it: I still ‘Oou’ and ‘Awe’ over candle displays. Who can resist? Their marketing is nigh flawless.

Nowadays however that’s as far as my admiration goes.

Candles have been around for ages so it stands to reason there’d be a good alternative.

Not only does it NOT emit those chemicals, it does the the reverse: it reportedly improves air quality!

So for this month’s Quality US Product, I wanted to take a moment to highlight a product that’s poised to come out of the fray and into the mainstream.

100% Beeswax candles.

Big Dipper Wax Works Seattle WA BeesWax Soy Candles For Healthy Air Improve Indoor Quality Allergies Made In USA American Save the Honey Bees

How it works:

One of the premiere manufacturers in the USA, Big Dipper Wax Works, makes 100% pure beeswax in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, and natural scents and colors.

Only ONE type of Big Dipper candle–Citronella– uses soy (another good alternative!). All their soy wax is grown in the U.S.A. and non GMO!

As for the rest of the candles, they are 100% pure bees wax.

Big Dipper describes the perks of Beeswax this way:

“Beeswax is naturally aromatic, infused with the sweet, subtle scent of honey. Nontoxic and nonallergenic, beeswax candles burn clean and soot free. While burning, they release negative ions, just as seashores or rainstorms do. These negative ions improve air quality by eliminating pollutants and allergens from the air that we breathe.

The high melting and burning temperature of beeswax translates into exceptionally long burn times. While burning, their golden flames glow with the same energy and spectrum of light as the sun.”

I can attest that these pure Beeswax Candles produce almost no smoke or scent (except for the aromatherapy).

And with all the positively charged ions (toxins, dust, dander…) floating around in our airspace, we can use all the help we can get!

If you have allergies like we do, this seems like the way to go.

And even if you don’t have allergies. . .  this still seems like the way to go! 🙂

Why Big Dipper Wax Works

Besides being made in the USA, Big Dipper is a stand out for many other reasons:

  • Candles are produced by hand in small batches.

  • Big Dipper uses a natural filtration process using diatomaceous earth, that cleans the wax of impurities, allowing the wax to retain its natural colors and aromas.

  • Big Dipper wicks are 100% cotton, AND primed with beeswax. Many other candle cos (including beeswax candle companies) use paraffin!! Not so with Big Dipper.

  • Big Dipper aromatherapy candles contain only pure plant essential oils extracted by heat steam distillation or cold-press methods, (i.e. the most natural ways).

  • 10% of the net profits from all candle sales is donated to organizations who promote sustainable beekeeping.

  • Big Dipper supports their local community and local economy, but ALSO reaches out globally to support many good causes, including healthy and sustainable bee-keeping.

  • Even the packaging is biodegradable and reusable!

  • They really really care!

Buy it to help the Bees (and the economy!)

Bees are dissappearing, fast. And that’s not good news.

Buying from reputable beeswax companies like Big Dipper helps support healthy bee populations, which is SO important to our environment and economy.

If you hadn’t heard, bee populations have been devastated in recent years with a mysterious hive collapse epidemic.

If you haven’t heard about it I highly encourage you to check out the great film, “Vanishing of the Bee’s” on Netflix.

It’s scary. . . in an Erin Brokovitch kind of way.

(Just ignore the middle clip where they interview someone about the “bee goddess” and the rest is worth its weight in gold. Or should I say honey.)

This truly is an issue that deserves our rapt attention. Because bee’s=food and food=life.

We need to support the bee’s!

When I look at my Big Dipper Wax Works candles it’s a great daily reminder to keep fighting for them, talking about them, and doing our part however small.

And hope one day I’ll have a little acre where I can keep my own little bee’s.

Where to buy it

You can find Big Dipper Wax Works 100% Beeswax Candles here or on Amazon, but Amazon’s selection is VERY VERY SLIM, and the manufacturer warns, may even be old stock.

I personally recommend shopping their website. You can also find them in many stores and co-ops across the nation!

Online have a FANTASTIC clearance section for seconds, scratch-n-dent, and discontinued candles!

They do tend to sell-through fairly quickly so if you see something you want, buy soon, or you might have to wait for it to come back in.

To qualify for Free Shipping on orders over $125, do like I did and gather friends and neighbors to placing a bulk order together!

Make the holidays a little brighter with any of these atmosphere-enhancing products.

CUTE Recylced glass tea light holders from big dipper wax works with 100% beeswax tealightsPictured: Gorgeous Recycled Green Glass Tea Light Holders

They are surprisingly big and beautiful!

Big dipper wax works awesome holiday pillars I got for 40% off! clearance! Pictured: Super quality Big Dipper Beeswax holiday-theme candles I got for 40% off.


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